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Diary Dates

Diary Dates Spring Term 2025

Week 1 (Dinner Menu Week 2)

w/b Monday 6 January

Terms starts

Homework starts this week

Tuesday 7 January

4C Swimming Lessons start (Lesson1)

Wednesday 8 January

9am Nursery winter walk

Thursday 9 January

11.45am Year 3 to see Snowman at Birmingham Rep, returning for 5.30pm collection

Afterschool Girls’ Football team match at Dudley College

Week 2 (Dinner Menu Week 1)

Tuesday 14 January

4C Swimming (Lesson 2)

Thursday 16 January

3.15pm – 5pm Y4 & Y5 Musical Theatre Group

Week 3 (Dinner Menu Week 2)

Tuesday 21 January

9.30am Nursery virtual farm visit

4C Swimming (Lesson 3)

Wednesday 22 January

9am – 10.15am 1A Shared Learning Experience in LSH (separate letter to follow)

Thursday 23 January

9am – 10.15am 1C Shared Learning Experience in LSH (separate letter to follow)

3.15pm – 5pm Y4 & Y5 Musical Theatre Group

Week 4 (Dinner Menu Week 1)

Tuesday 28 January

4C Swimming (Lesson 4)

Wednesday 29 January

Afternoon Year 4 Fire Safety Talks

Thursday 30 January

3.15pm – 5pm Y4 & Y5 Musical Theatre Group

Afterschool Girls’ Football Team match at Dudley College (separate letter to follow)


Week 5 (Dinner Menu Week 2)

w/b Monday 3 February

Children’s Mental Health Week

10am Deadline for non-refundable £150 deposit for Year 6 Residential to be paid

Tuesday 4 February

4C Swimming (Lesson 5)

Wednesday 5 February

9am – 10.15am 2C shared Learning Experience (separate letter to follow)

1.30pm – 2.45pm 2A Shared Learning Experience (separate letter to follow)

Thursday 6 February

3.15pm – 5pm Y4 & Y5 Musical Theatre Group


Week 6 (Dinner Menu Week 1)

Monday 10 February

Reception Spring Walk (separate letter to follow)

Tuesday 11 February

Safer Internet Day

9am – 10.15am 5A History Shared Learning Experience (separate letter to follow)

1.30pm – 2.45pm 5C History Shared Learning Experience (separate letter to follow)

4C Swimming (Lesson 6)

Wednesday 12 February

Y2 - Y6 to bring a bag to take home Curriculum Unit Booklets from Autumn 2

5pm - 6pm Information Evening for children and parents re Y6 Tests (separate letter to follow)

Thursday 13 February

3.15pm – 5pm Y4 & Y5 Musical Theatre Group

Friday 14 February

End of half-term (normal times)

Whole School Activity Day – (separate letter to follow)


Monday 17 February –

 Friday 21 February

Half-term holiday

Week 1 (Dinner Menu Week 2)

w/b Monday 24 February

School starts

Tuesday 25 February

Afternoon Year 6 Road Safety Talks

4A Swimming starts (Lesson 1)

Wednesday 26 February

9am – 10.15am Year 3 Maths Shared Learning Experience (separate letter to follow)

Thursday 27 February

10am Parents’ Consultation Booking System opens (separate letter to follow)

Year 3 Roman Army Day (separate letter to follow)

3.15pm – 5pm Y4 & Y5 Musical Theatre Group

Friday 28 February

Reception end of project WOW day

Week 2 (Dinner Menu Week 1)

w/b Monday 3 March

Assessment Week (Year 1 – Year 6)

Tuesday 4 March

4A Swimming (Lesson 2)

Thursday 6 March

World Book Day (all year groups will be able to dress-up - separate letter to follow about themes)

9.30am Librarian to visit Nursery

3.15pm – 5pm Y4 & Y5 Musical Theatre Group

Week 3 (Dinner Menu Week 2)

Monday 10 March

5pm – 6pm Musical Showcase for Choir and children who have peripatetic music lessons (separate letter to follow)

Tuesday 11 March

Year 6 practice test results shared with children and parents

4A Swimming (Lesson 3)

Thursday 13 March

3.15pm – 5pm Y4 & Y5 Musical Theatre Group

Friday 14 March

10am Deadline for parents to book Parent Consultation appointments

Week 4 (Dinner Menu Week 1)

Monday 17 March

R/Bott - Stay and Play (separate letter to follow)

Tuesday 18 March

R/Bown – Stay and Play (separate letter to follow)

Confirmation of Parent Consultation Appointments sent out

4A Swimming (Lesson 4)

Wednesday 19 March

Afternoon - Nursery Stay & Play – (separate letter to follow)

Thursday 20 March

3.15pm – 5pm Y4 & Y5 Musical Theatre Group

Friday 21 March

Comic Relief Day – Children in Non-Uniform (separate letter to follow)

Week 5 (Dinner Menu Week 2)

Tuesday 25 March

4A Swimming (Lesson 5)

3.45pm – 7.15pm Parents’ Consultation Evening in school (separate letter to follow)

Wednesday 26 March

3.45pm – 7.15pm Parents’ Consultation Evening in school (separate letter to follow)

Thursday 27 March

3.15pm – 5pm Y4 & Y5 Musical Theatre Group

Friday 28 March

9.10am (entry from 9am) – Reception Mothering Sunday Assembly (separate letter to follow)

Saturday 29 March

10am – 4pm Rehearsals for Alice in Wonderland in school (separate letter to follow)

Week 6 (Dinner Menu Week 1)

Monday 31 March

Homework finishes this week

3.30pm – 4pm Opportunity for parents with children who have a Learning Support Plan to meet with their Class Teacher (details to follow)

Tuesday 1 April

World Autism Awareness Day

4A Swimming (Lesson 6)

3.30pm – 4pm Opportunity for parents with children who have a Learning Support Plan to meet with their Class Teacher (details to follow)

Thursday 3 April

9.15am (entry from 9am) Nursery Easter Bonnet Parade (separate letter to follow)

3.30pm – 4pm Opportunity for parents with children who have a Learning Support Plan to meet with their Class Teacher

Evening - Y4 & Y5 Theatre Production at Arena Theatre (separate letter to follow)

Friday 4 April

(Year 5 visit to Snowdome TBC)

Week 7 (Dinner Menu Week 2)

Tuesday 8 April

Photographs: Nursery, Reception Class and Reception individual, Year 6 Leavers’ Photograph and Year 6 Individual (separate letter to follow)

Wednesday 9 April

Y2 – Y6 Children bring in bag to take home Curriculum Unit Booklets for Spring 1

Y4 visit to Wolf Mountain

Morning - Nursery Spring Walk

Thursday 10 April

Term ends for Nursery

Easter Egg Competition (separate letter to follow)

Friday 11 April

End of Term

Children should be in normal school uniform.

Children in Year 1 – 6 may bring in a non-electronic game to play with.

End of Day:

1.20pm Reception

1.25pm Years 2, 5 and 6

1.30pm Years 1, 3 and 4


Monday 14 April -

Friday 25 April

Easter Holidays


The Summer Term begins on Monday 28 April 2025

