Children in Reception and Key Stage 1 are entitled to a free school lunch.
The cost of a meal for Key Stage 2 children is £2.50 per day and £12.50 per week.
If you think your child may be eligible for a free school lunch please contact either:
Benefits Department 0300 - 5558100
Free School Meals Direct 01384 - 814988
We have a 2 week menu.
Week 1 Menu - Starts Wednesday 4 September, Monday 16 September, etc
Week 2 Menu - w/b Monday 9 September, Monday 23 September etc
When we return from a holiday the menu will continue uninterrupted, so if the final week before the holiday was Week 1 then it will be the Week 2 menu on our return and alternatively if we have just had the week 2 menu before we break-up then Week 1 will be the menu for the first week back.