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Staying In Contact

We very much see education as a partnership and wish to encourage all parents to take an active part in school life.




All general school newsletters are printed on yellow paper and numbered, making it easier for you to discover if your child has missed a letter or mislaid it.  Numbered letters are also available on the School Website. The Website also includes lots of information for both parents and children which you should find useful.


Our colour code system for letters is as follows:



Bright yellow

Term and Holiday Dates


Kitchen/School Dinners

Light green

Educational Visits


Year 6 Residential Visit

Light blue

Extra-Curricular Clubs and activities


Governor Information


Special Events

Diary Dates for the Term


Curriculum & General Information/Other letters




Copies of all letters to parents are placed in the leaflet holders in the Main Entrance, which parents are welcome to come and help themselves to at any time.


The majority of parents receive letters electronically via ParentMail.


Curriculum Information


A Curriculum Information Letter is sent out for each year group at the beginning of each Term.  This outlines the work to be covered in each subject area, details of Homework and how parents can help support their child’s learning at home.


Diary of Events


At the beginning of each term a Diary of Events will be published outlining the dates for the forthcoming Term.  This will include drama presentations, Parents’ Consultation Evenings, sports days etc.  This will help parents plan for future events.  If there are any changes to the published programme, you will be notified as soon as possible.


Copies of Letters


The Reception Area contains a wall mounted leaflet board with copies of Term/Holiday dates, School Uniform order forms and Holiday/Absence Request forms.  Parents are welcome to just come and help themselves to these when needed.  These are also available on the School Website for you to download.


Information Evenings

On occasions we will arrange Information Evenings on curriculum issues, such as English, Maths, Phonics and RSE (Relationships & Sex Education).


Year Ahead Meetings


These will be held for parents of certain year groups to outline the key information for each child’s year group. This will include how to help your child at home. For Year 1 this meeting takes place in the Summer Term in time from the transition from Reception into Year 1. We then arrange a Year 1 Settling-in meeting and Phonics presentation in the Autumn Term.


School Website


The School website contains up-to-date information for parents e.g. newsletters, Term dates, curriculum information, class timetables and copies of forms e.g. uniform and absence requests to download.


Parents’ Consultation Meetings


We usually hold a Parents' Consultation Meeting Day in the Autumn Term and this will be via teams. This provides the opportunity to discuss how your child has settled in and the work they have done so far. Our main consultation evenings are held in the Spring Term at the mid-way point in the academic year allowing a more in depth look at the strengths and areas for development for your child, particularly in English and Maths.


Annual School Report


Children in all classes receive their Annual School Report at the end of the Summer Term.  The Report details effort and achievements in all curriculum areas and will identify areas where future improvement can be made. There is an opportunity for parents to discuss any issues arising from the Annual Report with the class teacher.

