Home Page

Welcome to the website of Alder Coppice Primary School. W/b Monday 10 February - Lunch Menu - Week 1. Updates for w/e Friday 7 February - Vacancies: Teacher Vacancy. SEND Newsletter. Letters: 4A Swimming Reminder, Year 5 OAA & Musical Showcase letter for Peripatetic Musicians/Choir.


Welcome to the Alder Coppice Primary School Website. We are committed to ensuring that our children are supported, nurtured and valued as individuals. Our overarching aim is to create happy pupils who really enjoy their learning. For any enquiries please contact the School Office on 01384 - 816610.

House Points

  • 4th
    Willow Wallabies
  • 3rd
    Sycamore Sharks
  • 2nd
    Pine Panthers
  • 1st
    Hawthorn Harriers