Medical Information
For the safety of the children we try to minimise the number of medicines in School. We, therefore, do not usually administer medicines in School.
Children taking medicines three times a day should have it before School, after School and at bedtime. Any child requiring more than that dosage should usually be kept at home or a parent may make arrangements with the Admin Team to come into School and administer the required dosage themselves.
Please do not send any medication into school directly with your child – this could pose a health risk to your child and a safety risk to others. Should it be necessary for any medicines or tablets to be kept in School, they will be stored safely by the Admin Team and will usually be administered by one of the support staff.
If your child suffers from asthma and requires an inhaler while at School, you must inform us of your child’s condition and the required treatment. Children should keep one inhaler with them at all times, as advised by the Asthma Association. This does not pose a risk to any other child. A spare inhaler should be given in to be kept in the Admin Office.
Parents/Guardians/Carers are asked to sign a Form indicating the nature of the Medicine and dosage required before members of staff will administer any medicines.
If you have any queries concerning medicines in school please contact the office.
It is essential that we have correct and up-to-date details of where to contact parents so if your contact numbers/address change, please let us know straight away.
Members of the teaching and support staff are trained in First Aid and will deal with accidents as far as they are permitted. Parents will be contacted should more serious incidents occur or if a child is unwell.
Should your child appear to be in need of treatment we always try to contact parents first, but in an emergency we would take the child to the appropriate health centre.
The School has 2 defibrillators and staff who have specially trained to use it in an emergency. Please note that due to the location of the defibrillators they can be used on school premises during school hours and is not available to the wider public/for community use when the building is closed.