School Improvement ~ Raising Standards
What are we aiming for?
- Excellent relationships that exist throughout the School are built on mutual trust and respect and result in outstanding personal development for all pupils and underpin all areas of the School’s work.
- A commitment to continued improvement and raising standards in all areas of School life is shared by all at the School.
- New initiatives are embraced with enthusiasm.
- Children develop as mature, considerate, self-confident, articulate and responsible young people with a deeply ingrained work ethic and a real belief that they can, and will, succeed.
- Pupils are helped to develop as responsible young people.
- The whole ethos of the School is conducive to learning. Teachers manage pupils very well: with care, good guidance and high expectations for both work and behaviour.
- The children’s efforts are valued and appreciated, which boosts their confidence.
- Teachers are very good at managing discipline and give a great deal of praise and positive encouragement. They explain key teaching points, assess work and provide feedback, support and challenge to pupils.
- Pupils behave very well in lessons and, as a result, teachers can concentrate on teaching, whilst pupils can concentrate on learning.
- Pupils are proud of their high standards of behaviour. They enjoy harmonious and respectful relationships with each other and with all adults.
- The School creates a culture of success in the classroom where pupils thrive and their learning is nurtured. They are able to think aloud without fear of ridicule or feeling under undue pressure. In such a climate pupils’ acquisition of skills, knowledge and understanding flourish.
- Teaching is at least good and increasingly outstanding because teachers inspire, motivate and instil confidence and therefore make learning exciting and truly worthwhile, which results in pupils who have a real love of learning and value the many opportunities to learn.
- Pupils concentrate for increased periods of time and show initiative, independence, imagination and develop increasiung levels of resilience.
- Children’s knowledge of their own learning is very good and in most lessons an increasing number show a high level of interest, concentration and independence.
- Learning extends well beyond the classroom: it encompasses children’s whole experience in the School and continues at home.
- The assessment system enables the School to evaluate the success of its provision in promoting learning.
- Parents hold the School in high regard and know that there is a consistent message from all those involved in the School.