1.To ensure that pupils enjoy school and find fulfilment and reward for their efforts.
2.To help each pupil to develop self-esteem and self-confidence through the experience of success.
3.To provide opportunities which promote involvement and lead the children to be self-motivated independent learners and work effectively as part of a group.
4.To create a caring, working community, which gives encouragement, values individual’s efforts and leads to confident participation.
5.To enable children to recognise and develop their abilities and talents to their fullest potential and persevere in times of difficulty.
6.To develop the basic skills of reading, writing and numeracy and for children to apply their knowledge and skills to produce work of high quality.
7.To develop the children’s awareness and appreciation of the world around them, cultivating a sense of wonder.
8.To develop in children a respect for religious, moral and traditional British values and a tolerance of other races, religions and ways of life.
9.To contribute to community life so that pupils may become increasingly aware of their responsibilities to and support from the wider world outside the School.
10.To help children to develop lively, enquiring minds and to provide opportunities to increase their questioning, reasoning and critical powers.
11.To guide the children to develop habits of self-discipline and responsible behaviour, so they live and work harmoniously together.
12.To provide continuity through careful liaison with other schools and with feeder secondary schools in particular.
13.To provide a broad, balanced, relevant and exciting curriculum, based upon a variety of stimulating experiences and activities.
14.To provide many varied opportunities for children to develop their creativity and imagination through the arts.
15.To ensure that assessment becomes part of the learning process by involving children in monitoring and evaluating their own progress.
16.To give children equal opportunity to gain full access to the curriculum.
17.To develop and maintain a partnership with the families of all our children so that together we can help each one of them to gain the maximum from their years at Alder Coppice Primary School.