The Governors The Governing Board Like all schools Alder Coppice has a Governing Board made up of governors from different backgrounds and interests. Governors do not run the School on a day-to- day basis - that is the Headteacher’s job. They play four very important roles in the life of Alder Coppice: 1. Strategic Direction Working on behalf of the local community, they set the broad direction of the School. This includes the ethos of the School, that is to say its values and aims which underlie everything which the School does. Governors approve the School’s budget and the curriculum each year, and of vital importance to a successful School they appoint the Senior Leadership Team. 2. Critical Friend The governors get to know the School well in various ways, and are able to give it their support as a ‘friend’. But they are also in a good position to have an honest ‘critical’ view of the School and be able to give constructive comments where it is needed. 3. Accountability All Governors are accountable to the people who appoint them - and ultimately to parents and to the public. The Headteacher in turn is accountable to the governors for how he runs and manages the School. 4. Raising Attainment The main role of any school is to enable the pupils to enjoy learning and to achieve their potential, whether that is intellectual, social, sporting or whatever. So governors must ensure that there are policies in place to raise the attainment of pupils each year and monitor those policies to see that they are being followed effectively.
Alder Coppice Primary School Governing Board At Alder Coppice we are fortunate to have governors with a very wide range of experience and backgrounds. There are 5 types of governor:
All governors are appointed for four years at a time. Parent governors can complete their four-year appointment after their children have left school, but staff governors cannot continue if they leave the School.
Governor Duties The Governing Board meets at least once each Term to conduct its business, when one of the major items is usually the Headteacher’s written Report. But in order to be effective in their work, the governors also serve on committees.
Current committees include:
Staff and Pupil Discipline, Exclusion and Appeals committees meet when required.
As well as attending formal meetings, governors visit school to observe its life at first hand, so that they gain a greater knowledge of how it operates and the challenges it faces. This helps to inform them as they carry out their roles.
Contact If you would like to contact the Governing Board or know more about what it does, please write to the Chair of Governors c/o the School. |
Governing Board Composition
Governors hold an important public office and their identity should be known to their school and wider communities.
All governors attend Full Governing Board meetings and School Improvement Meetings.
Mr Peter Mandelstam
Category of Governor: Staff/Headteacher
Term of Office: Ex-Officio
Full Governing Board and School Improvement
Committees: Resources & Pay Review (Advisory)
Responsibility: Safer Recruitment Governor
Miss Jacqueline Blake
Category of Governor: Partnership Governor
Appointing Body: Governing Board
Term of Office: 06/12/2023 - 05/12/2027
Chair of Governors
Full Governing Board & School Improvement
I am a Co-opted Governor at Alder Coppice and have extensive experience of Governance in a variety of schools and the charity sector. I am a retired education professional who, over more than 35 years has worked in music and the creative arts. I am totally committed to ensuring that children and young people are offered the widest and highest quality opportunities to become the best they can.
On visits to Alder Coppice I have been extremely impressed by the children, the learning environment and the dedicated staff.
Mr Adrian Bowater
Category of Governor: Co-opted Governor
Appointing Body: Governing Board
Term of Office: 26/05/2021 - 25/05/2025
Full Governing Board & School Improvement
Committees: Pay Review & Resources
Special Responsibilities: Health & Safety Governor
I had 28 years in industry my last role being Finance and Sales Director of a small group of companies. I then joined the Project Team and Building Committee for the new build and first Academy School in England. The Academy opened for students in September 2003, on time and on budget. I was one of the founders of the working group that worked with the Department for Education and the ESFA - the forum continues to flourish.
I am on the Governing Board of 2 Primary Schools, having previously been on the the GB of Milton Keynes Academy.
Mrs Lana Duffin
Category of Governor: Partnership Governor
Appointing Body: Governing Board
Term of Office: 06/12/2023 – 05/12/2027
Vice Chair
Full Governing Board & School Improvement
Committee: Resources
Special Responsibilities: Safeguarding/Child Protection Governor
I am delighted to take up my first Governor’s role at Alder Coppice Primary School. I live locally with my husband and our two children, in our spare time we love sport! I am currently an Assistant Headteacher and I have worked in various educational settings for 11 years engaging with many wonderful youngsters and their families. I am passionate about helping young people achieve their potential through education and ensuring all pupils have the best opportunities to succeed whilst growing into resilient and caring individuals.
Miss Lucy Cain
Category of Governor: Staff Governor
Appointing Body: Elected by School Staff
Term of Office: 02/09/2024 - 01/09/2028
Full Governing Board & School Improvement
I have taught at Alder Coppice since September 2021. I have taught across Key Stage 1 and I have thoroughly enjoyed teaching the children and it has been a privilege to be a part of their Key Stage 1 journey.
The School is deeply committed to principles such as working hard and being kind, valuable lessons for adults and children alike. Coming to school everyday is a true pleasure. Our children are exceptional and the staff feel like a supportive family. It’s an honour to have the opportunity to serve on the Governing Board.
Ms Danielle Johnson
Category of Governor: Co-opted Governor
Appointing Body: Governing Board
Term of Office: 24/03/22 - 23/03/26
Full Governing Board & School Improvement
Committees: Pay Review & Performance Management
Special Responsibilities: SEND & Attendance Governor
I am one of Alder Coppice's parent governors. I am currently a member of the Performance Management and Pay Review Committees, and I am the Safeguarding and Child Protection link governor.
I previously worked for a local building society as a Branch Manager, and currently support our family accountancy business whilst focusing on raising our two children.
I have a real passion for child development and education, during my visits into school it's been inspiring to see such happy children flourishing in the positive learning environment provided by committed and experienced staff.
The following members of staff attend meetings in an advisory capacity.
Miss Melanie Boden
Strategic Finance Manager
Committee: Finance & Personnel.
Voting Rights: None
Mrs Maria Shee
Designation: Deputy Headteacher
Senior Leadership Team
Full Governing Board & School Improvement.
Voting Rights: None
Mrs Jo Randall
Designation: Assistant Headteacher/DSL
Senior Leadership Team
Full Governing Board & School Improvement.
Voting Rights: None
Mrs Jackie Podmore
Designation: Phase Leader
School Improvement.
Voting Rights: None
Mrs Jo Bown
Designation: Phase Leader/DSL
School Improvement
Voting Rights: None
Special Responsibility Governors
Safeguarding and Child Protection Governor
| Mrs L Duffin |
Attendance Governor
| Mrs D Johnson |
| Mrs D Johnson |
Safer Recruitment Governors
| Mr P Mandelstam & Miss J Blake |
| Mrs L Duffin |
| Miss J Blake |
Achievement (including Pupil Premium)
| Miss J Blake |
Health and Safety Governor
| Mr A Bowater |
*The DfE’s statutory guidance on Keeping Children Safe in Education requires governing boards to:
‘ensure a member of the Governing Board, usually the Chair, is nominated to liaise with the LA and/or partner agencies on issues of child protection and in the event of allegations of abuse made against the Headteacher, the principal of a college or proprietor or member of Governing Board of an independent school.’
Clerk to the Governors
Naomi Lewis - contact via
Alder Coppice Primary School
Governing Board Register of Interests
Governing bodies are under a duty to publish on their website their register of interests. The register sets out the relevant business interests of governors and details of any other educational establishments they govern. The register also sets out any relationships between governors and members of the School staff including spouses, partners and relatives.
This is a summary of our Governing Board and their responsibilities and register of interests.