This page is updated annually in the Autumn Term for the Parents' Consultation Day.
Year 1 - Year 6 Parents' Consultations Day - 29 November 2024
As you will be aware from our Diary Dates, our Parents’ Consultation Day will take place on Friday 29 November. As we have some parents who prefer face-to-face meetings and some who prefer the online system, which has proved popular and convenient for so many parents as it helps with childcare, we will repeat the format from last year which proved very successful. We will hold these consultations via Teams or telephone in the afternoon and in person in the morning at school. This will allow parents to select which option they would prefer, however please note that there are a set number of appointments available in each time slot.
As we do feel it is important to have at least one 1-1 meeting, the Spring Term Consultations will all be in person and take place in school.
The appointments for Friday 29 November will be for all classes from Year 1 – Year 6, with scheduled sessions running during the day, so please select a timeslot which will be convenient for you (In Person in the morning, Teams or telephone in the afternoon).
Nursery and Reception children have their separate Stay and Play sessions, and letters have already gone out with the details for these.
We will be using the online appointments booking system again this year. You will have a window for booking appointments (starting tomorrow at 10am until 1pm Tuesday 19 November) and after that the system will be closed, so appointments have to be made during the specified time when the system is open.
Attached to this letter are step-by-step instructions on how to use the on-line booking system. This will give you complete control of booking your own appointments.
Please also double check your personal information is correct, email address, phone number etc. via Profile - view account profile - edit profile.
Each appointment is for the duration of 10 minutes per child. Please only book one 10-minute appointment per child.
If you have more than one child in the School, you will be able to book separate appointments. If you are making more than one appointment, please allow at least a 10-minute gap between them.
Please ensure that when you are booking, you select your child/children’s teacher and schedule the appointment that you would like to book.
You will have to select each child separately to book your appointments with the specific teacher. Don’t worry - the system will not allow you to double book appointments that are at the same time.
Where children are taught by a different teacher for a subject, e.g. in Maths or English, the class teacher will provide all information and feedback, so please only make your appointment with your child’s class teacher.
When you book your appointments, please ensure you provide an email address, which will enable a confirmation email to be sent to you.
If you do not receive the confirmation email by 9.30am on Wednesday 20 November, please contact Mrs Barwell, by 2pm Friday 22 November, to ensure that your appointment has been booked on the system.
If you are booking a Teams appointment, the class teacher will send you an invite to your child’s email address as these are already set up on teams, please ensure you accept the invitation as soon as you receive the email. On your scheduled date and time, you will need to open teams and join your meeting. You may be waiting in a ‘lobby’ until the teacher asks you to join the meeting.
If you are unable to hold your meeting via teams or come into school in person, but want a telephone conversation, then you must still book a Teams appointment in the afternoon slot online by 1pm on Tuesday 19 November, but you need to email by this time, to ask Mrs Barwell to arrange for your appointment to be via telephone.
Please note if you have either scheduled an appointment through Teams or in person it is important that you give yourself plenty of time to either join the meeting online or arrive in school on time for the meeting, as the meetings will start on time and will finish after 10 minutes.
We have previously had occasions where parents have not attended the appointment as they have forgotten or been out shopping! Staff have been prepared and waiting to talk with parents and then the consultation either does not take place or has to be redone. Unless there are exceptional unforeseen circumstances, we will not reschedule appointments if parents do not attend the slot that they themselves have chosen.
The online booking system will be available for appointments to be booked from 10am Thursday 7 November until 1pm Tuesday 19 November.
After this date you will not be able to book an appointment, as the system will be closed.
A copy of the instructions is available below.
If you experience any problems trying to arrange an appointment, please contact Mrs Barwell in the office, before the deadline of 1pm Tuesday 19 November.
School Appointments – Instructions
Friday 29 November 2024
For classes: 1A, 1C, 2A, 2C, 3A, 3C, 4A, 4C, 5A, 5C, 6A, 6C
You will then come to the Welcome Screen with four tabs across the right hand side.
If this is the first time you have used the system you will need to ‘Register a new Account’ by clicking the "REGISTER" menu tab and filling in the on-line form. Choose a user id (usually an email address) and password for yourself and then click the "Register Now" button. (Please do not share your ID or password).
Add your children into the system by clicking the "Add a Student" button. Click "Insert New" button to add more children.
Or: Log in as a previous user
Please input your email address and password.
If you have forgotten your password, please click on the “forgot password” tab and an email will be sent to you with your password details.
As a housekeeping measure, if you have any older children still on the system who no longer attend Alder Coppice, please can we ask that you delete them from the system.
When you arrive at the login page, you are now ready to book your appointments. Please click “Manage Students” and then follow the instructions on how to book your appointment as below:
(Please do not select multiple staff, if you have more than one child in the School, please book each appointment separately, per child, per teacher. Please allow at least 10 minutes between your appointments).
Click on one available time slot to book your appointment, you will then have a green box immediately pop up on your screen which will confirm to you that your appointment has been booked. Click on “Manage Students” this will then take you back to your home page, which will show you your appointments. (Please check this is correct).
There is an option to print your appointment times out.
You will receive an email confirmation after the on-line booking system has closed. (Please ensure you provide a current email address so a confirmation can be sent to you).
If you do not receive an email by 9.30am Wednesday 20 November, please contact Mrs Barwell by 2pm Friday 22 November to ensure your appointment has been booked on the system.
Quick Reference Summary:
Year 1 – Year 6 Parents’ Consultation Day
(In Person in the morning, Teams or Telephone in the afternoon)
Please remember:
Thank you for your help.
Attendance - Parents' Consultation Day - 29 November 2024
| |||
Class | Percentage attended in each class | Number of children in class | Number of children represented |
R/Bott | 92% | 24 | 22 |
R/Bown | 100% | 23 | 23 |
1A | 74% | 23 | 17 |
1C | 87% | 23 | 20 |
2A | 96% | 25 | 24 |
2C | 81% | 26 | 21 |
3A | 91% | 23 | 21 |
3C | 100% | 24 | 24 |
4A | 81% | 26 | 21 |
4C | 96% | 28 | 27 |
5A | 84% | 32 | 27 |
5C | 83% | 30 | 25 |
6A | 93% | 29 | 27 |
6C | 80% | 30 | 24 |
Overall percentage of children across School represented 88%
Attendance - Parents' Consultation Day 24 November 2023
| |||
Class | Percentage attended in each class | Number of children in class | Number of children represented |
R/Bott | 96% | 24 | 23 |
R/Bown | 91% | 23 | 21 |
1A | 85% | 26 | 22 |
1C | 79% | 28 | 22 |
2A | 95% | 22 | 21 |
2C | 83% | 23 | 19 |
3A | 88% | 26 | 23 |
3C | 85% | 26 | 22 |
4A | 88% | 32 | 28 |
4C | 83% | 30 | 25 |
5A | 83% | 29 | 24 |
5C | 93% | 29 | 27 |
6A | 68% | 31 | 21 |
6C | 84% | 32 | 27 |